Welcome to the Home Page of
John, Joyce and Josephine Kohanski and our Adventures here at
Autumn Days Farm

On April 1st, 2008, farmers in NJ took to the streets and drove their machines to Trenton to protest the closing of the NJ Department of Agriculture. I was one of the participants in this event, and I am the guy getting off the tractor with the camouflage cowboy hat.
Video of NJ Farm Rally
Update: The Gov decided that maybe this was not a good idea, and decided to keep the department of Ag. Now if we can just get the state out of our hair. The new law coming around the corner is the manure law.
I say adventure because what started out as a simple idea has become a daily trial of life from one day to the next.  It all began with the concept of my wife and I buying her familys old farm and trying to once again get it going. For the whole history read more.  We currently produce sheep and lambs which we can raise to customer specifications and do custom haying.  Come and take a tour of the farm   

Sheep Shearing Info
Remember that the shearing of your flock is important for the hygiene and health of your animals. With the weather conditions in the NJ area flies can lay their larva in the animals fleece. This can lead to fly-strike, which can kill you animal. We provide a shearing service as well as blade sharpening for the do it yourself people.
Click here for Shearing Service Info

Congratulations to those clients whose fleeces have won contests
Caroline: Blue ribbon Cotswold fleece 2006 Sheep and Fiber Festival
Jahelka family of Colarado: 1st Place fleece 2006 Colorado State Fair with Woody the Rams Corriedale fleece.
Funny video of me shearing sheepYou Tube Video
Pictures of the month.Click on the image below to view it full size
Send an Email to Either
John or Joyce
Our mail address is
249 Werstville Rd
Sheep Information Cornell Sheep Program
Find it on the web by using Google.com

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